
Outrage in India over defacement of US Hindu temple with pro-Khalistan graffiti

The defacement of a US Hindu temple with pro-Khalistan graffiti has sparked outrage in India, with many condemning the act as an attack on religious freedom and Indian sovereignty.

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pro-Khalistan graffiti

Image Credits: pro-Khalistan graffiti

India, a land known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse religious beliefs, was left in shock and anguish over the recent defacement of a Hindu temple in Kentucky, USA. Adding salt to the wounds of Indian Americans, the graffiti on the walls of the temple supported the idea of an independent Khalistan, a separate state for Sikhs.


The incident, which took place in the city of Louisville, has sparked outrage in India with people expressing their disgust and disappointment at such an act of vandalism. The temple, named 'Swaminarayan Gurukul', is a revered place of worship for the Indian community in the US, and the attack on it is seen as an attack on their faith and sentiments.

The temple’s managing director, Swami Yagneshwaranand, was quoted saying, 'It feels like someone has ripped our hearts out. This is the center of our faith, culture, and identity, and it has been desecrated with hateful messages.' The images shared by the temple on social media showed graffiti with slogans like 'Khalistan 2020,' 'We don't want Indian help,' and 'Referendum 2020.'

The term Khalistan has been associated with the demand for a separate state for Sikh people, which first gained momentum in the 1980s. However, it did not gain much support in the Indian community and faced severe backlash from the government. The recent graffiti on the temple has rekindled the debate around this sensitive issue, but how it was done has been widely condemned by all.


The Indian embassy in Washington DC has taken note of the incident and has expressed concern over the safety of the Indian community in the US. The Ministry of External Affairs has also issued a statement, condemning the act of vandalism and urging the local authorities to take necessary action against the culprits.

The incident has also triggered a strong response on social media, with many Indians expressing their anger and disappointment towards the desecration of their place of worship. Many have also called for stricter laws to prevent hate crimes against the Indian community, who often face discrimination and racial attacks abroad.

This is not the first incident of its kind, as earlier this year, a temple in Washington state was defaced with swastikas and hate messages. Such attacks on places of worship not only hurt the religious sentiments of a community but also create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety among its members.


The Indian government has always stood against any form of violence and discrimination based on religion and has been actively promoting the idea of unity and harmony among different communities. It has also urged the US government to take necessary measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

The Indian American community has become an integral part of the social fabric of the US, contributing significantly to the country's progress and development. The defacement of the temple has not only hurt their emotions but has also left a negative impact on the image of the US in the eyes of many Indians.

As the investigation into the incident is ongoing, it is hoped that the responsible parties will be held accountable for their actions. In the meantime, it is a wake-up call for everyone to come together and condemn any form of hate and violence against religious establishments.


In a world where tolerance and respect for each other's beliefs are crucial for peaceful coexistence, such acts of vandalism have no place. It is high time for all of us to stand together and promote a message of love, unity, and brotherhood among different communities, keeping aside any differences and grievances. And, most importantly, such incidents should serve as a reminder for everyone to respect and protect the religious diversity in our societies.

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