
Times When Shah Rukh Khan Talked About Women Empowerment Like No One Else!

Trending & Bollywood: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan turn's 58 today. On the special occasion of King Khan's D-Day we wish him happy birthday, Here's we have brought you the moments when SRK has talked about Women Empowerment like no one else.

Happy Birthday Shah Rukh Khan A Journey From Ignorance Criticism To Now Being An Only Actor With Two 1000 Crore Films An Unstoppable King.png

Shah Rukh Khan celebrates his 58th birthday.

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Badshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan needs no introduction when it comes to his starstadom. Over the years he has been ruling and winning people's heart with his exceptional performance, charm, wit and intelligence. Shah Rukh Khan is one of the most notebale and popular figure of Bollywood who is known globally, everything he does or says creates an impact on netizens and is widely highlighted. He is among one of those actor who is known for respecting women. Shah Rukh Khan is one of those male figure who has talked about women and empowerment. He has been very vocal about the disparity and bias that exist in industry. Right from his home to work, he has always treated women with utmost respect and love. From his wife, daughter to his co-actors, they have always appreciated SRK for his sweet and kind gesture towards them. 


On the special occasion of King Khan's birthday we wish him happy birthday. Here's we have brought you the moments when SRK has talked about Women Empowerment like no one else!

Times when SRK talked about Women Empowerment: 

Through his films or in his real-life SRK has always supported or have talked about women and empowerment. He truly is an inspirtaion for many people and young generation out there.


SRK's movies are about "empowering women":

Shah Rukh Khan has always inspired people through his movies likes Chak Dek India, Jawan, Dear Zindagi and many more. Where he has showcased strong female characters and have tried to convey the message of women empowerment. His last released, Jawan was a massive blockbuster movie of the year which won people's heart. During the Jawan promotion SRK had conducted an Ask SRK session with his fans on X ( formely known as Twitter) where SRK claimed Jawan is all about "empowering women". One of his fans aksed him about the message he is trying to convey through "Jawan" movie. To which he replied, "The movie reflects upon how we as people make a change that we want around us. Empower women and fight for the right". Some of his movies have beautiful and meanigful message in it and it has portrayed women character's in best manner.

SRK about the Women's in his life:


Shah Rukh Khan has always been super supportive and respectful towards the women. Right from his home to his work place, he has always talked good about them and have given them the utmost respect and support. His co-stars have praised him for his ethics and manners, Whenever, SRK has got the opportunity he has appreciated and talked about the Women's in his life and how they have been the backbone of his life. When SRK had received the 24th Annual Crystal Award at the World Economic Forum in Davos for his charitable work. He spoke about women empowerment and said, "Men desexualize women only because they are scared". During the same event while accepting the award he thanked the women's in his life and said, "I thank my sister, wife and daughter for bringing me up well. They taught me the value of requesting and imploring a 'yes' from a woman instead of forcing it upon them". His this statement had grabbed people's attention and it was higly appreciated by the netizens.

During the book launch of 'She Walks, She Lead', SRK spoke about his life being shaped by the women in his life, in the event he said, "My life has been completely shaped by women, starting from my grandmother to my daughter now and in between my wife, aunts, didis in colonies, my leading ladies and women directors that I worked with. They have helped me achieve 100% of what I am today. I wouldn’t be half a man without these women. I owe my life to them.”

Shah Rukh Khan's poem for women:


On 2016, during the book launch of "She Walk She Leads" by Gunjan Jain, SRK was invited as the chief guest. Where SRK wrote a poem, "You're beautiful because you fight like girl". For those girls who stayed-up all night, for those who are are ready to fight. For the one's who hide their fear, pain and tear behind the close door of their smiles. This poem by SRK had won many people's heart and it showed SRK's respect and love for women and his willingness to fight for "empowering women".

Check-out the video here:

Shah Rukh Khan's sweet- gestures towards his co-star:


Shah Rukh Khan is among those actors who has always been vocal about "women empowerment" and has shown his concern towards bias and partiality  for the actress in the industry. He does not only preach about women empowerment but he also practise them as much as he can. Shah Rukh Khan is one of the first Bollywood actor who has taken this initative and has made it a pont to appear the name of his co-stars before him on the movies credits. This sweet gesture by SRK speaks volume about his character. 

Shah Rukh Khan about Women Empowerment:

Shah Rukh Khan has time and again spoke about women empowement in many events and functons. In one of the events, SRK shared his thought about women empowerment and he said, "We keep talking about empowering the ladies, which is a misnomer according to me. It's like saying 'save the planet.' You don't save the planet, the planet saves you, it is looking after you. Similarly when we say, 'empower women', there is nothing like empowering them. They are more powerful than us. All we need to do is, genuinely give all the ladies an even playing field. That's all they are asking for".

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