Slowly & steadily AI is taking over everything in human lives and you won't believe it but now it is now up to intricate into our dating lives as well. Not just that but AI is being monitered to date for humans to help them finding the perfect partner or atleast a date. Bumble founder, Whitney Wolfe Herd said recently in a podcast AI personas — or avatars of Bumble users — would be the next wave of dating.
While opening on today's dating world, Herd said, "Loneliness is on the rise — it is actually one of the biggest issues humanity is facing. I mean, according to the surgeon general and top doctors, loneliness is actually killing us. And social media, while it has its benefits, is not social media. It is antisocial media. So I think there’s something really powerful about the technology we’re building to really connect us: Go online to get offline."
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As AI is working now as human robot or assisting humans in many possible works Herd explained about a concept where there will be your personal AI bot, she called it as your own dating concierge, which will help you in the dating. Herd said, "There is a world where your dating concierge could go and date for you with another dating concierge ... and then you don’t have to talk to 600 people.”
In general all this conversation sounds a bit scary and unusual, as we as humans have already started giving many life controls to the technology, from waking up on a alarm to taking medicines after a reminder notification; humans are highly dependable on the technology and then there's artificial intelligence which makes it worse. If AI takeovers our dating life controls, it will be the end of beginning where humans who are using these dating apps will go into isolation and further into many unimagined issues.
Using AI to minimize the likelihood of missteps and conflict and to make us more efficient gives us less practice at how to navigate the messy, complex — and beautiful — terrain of direct human connection.
Further herd said, "Bumble is “a safer, kinder digital platform for more healthy and more equitable relationships, always putting women in the driver’s seat, not to put men down, but to actually recalibrate how we all treat each other — and so AI is going to follow the same set of values."
But how much this will actually work for an AI to differentiate between the sociatal categories, how would it ensure the safety of Women or queer people while assiting them into their dating life. For any human in the world regardless of their gender it is important to have their 'self to be seen to the world,' an AI would hardly do that & would fail eventually. No matter what AI is the future LOVE GURU is what it seems like, what are your thoughts?