
Relieve Insomnia: Things To Avoid Before Bed For A Good Night Sleep!

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Whether you suffer from sleep onset insomnia (which makes it hard to relax in bed and fall asleep at night), sleep maintenance insomnia (which makes it difficult to stay asleep through the night), or both, it can lead to frustrating daytime impairments, as the Sleep Foundation notes. Sleep deficiency affects your mental health, physical health, quality of life and safety — and it is way too common.


1. Looking at screens before bed.

 The blue light coming from your phone, tablet and TV screen has been shown to suppress melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your circadian rhythms and lets you get better sleep. This makes it more difficult for people to fall asleep and causes increased alertness in brain waves.



2. Having the TV on in your bedroom.

 Falling asleep to the TV may seem nice, but it’s actually not relaxing for our bodies. This type of mindless viewing keeps people awake way longer than they intend.



3. Engaging in social interaction. 

Catching up with friends is great — but it shouldn’t be done before bed.



4. Working from your bed — at any time of day.

Though many people now work from home due to the ongoing pandemic, try to avoid the temptation to check emails or work from bed.



5. Reading a thriller. 

Although reading can be relaxing, a thriller can keep you tossing and turning after lights out.



6. Eating just before bed. 

Eating dinner late at night might seem more convenient. The body needs time to digest properly, and this occurs when you are up and moving.



7. Exercising too close to bedtime. 

Exercising is a great way to regulate sleep ― unless you do it right before bed.



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