
How American Pistachios help people with desk jobs?

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American pistachios are a nutritious snack option for individuals with desk jobs, offering an energy boost and aiding in maintaining focus throughout the workday. Consuming pistachios has been linked to potential improvements in working memory and concentration. These nuts are an enjoyable and satisfying snack choice, ideal for midday or afternoon consumption. They not only help you feel full but also contribute to a better mental state, promoting focus and productivity at work.


Increasingly, people with desk jobs are looking for a healthier and quick snack alternative to the snacking options. The best part is, California pistachios are portable, they don’t need to be cooked or refrigerated. Just pop them in your mouth and eat them, take wherever you are and have them whenever you need them. Pistachios are also very low in calories and are very heart healthy. In fact, California pistachios are one of the lowest calorie nuts with only 160 calories in a single ounce, which is the equivalent of about 49 pistachios. So, you can have more pistachios for the same calorific value. That is why pistachios are also called “The Skinny Nut.” A perfect snack for weight watchers.

These portable, tasty nuts deliver a range of nutrients and energy at the same time. They are also a brilliant cravings buster, as the duo of fibre and protein in them help keep you full and satisfied for longer. They are especially rich in vitamin B6, which is important for keeping hormones balanced and healthy, and contain a reasonable level of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that play an important role in protecting the eyes.

They deliver a lot of fibre, which helps the gut stay healthy and happy and the copper they deliver (difficult to find in most foods) helps keep the skin supple and boost our immunity and cognitive function. They have a beneficial effect on cholesterol. Despite being rich in fat, they have more of the healthy, unsaturated fats than saturated fat. This helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and boost the HDL (good cholesterol). Plus, they are a good source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and antioxidants, which again are proven heart protectors.


Pistachios have all the ideal qualities for a go-to workplace snack.

American pistachios are easily available in India with major dry fruit retailers and e-commerce platforms. Just ask or search for “California pistachios.”

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