
Is There Anything Like Child Friendly Gadgets?! Find Out The REAL Truth Here:

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Children and gadgets have become synonymous with each other these days. Most of the children are provided with electronic gadgets." They grew up using these gadgets. But the question is, is it good for them or not?


Nobody gives your child's well-being more of a priority than you. In today's world, that entails directing them on both the real/physical world and the digital one.Teach your kids how to use technology responsibly, and help them develop the knowledge and behaviours that will enable them to thrive as successful digital citizens. We'll lead you through how to make technology work for your family at each point of the trip, from toddlers who seem to comprehend the iPad better than you to adolescents who demand some (but not too much) independence.

It is obvious that the world is increasingly driven by digital technology. That's advantageous in so many aspects. Every age group can benefit from technology, which offers tools that encourage learning via play, let them innovate, and keep them socially linked. Electronic children are also more equipped for a future that is largely digital.

In addition, parents understandably have concerns about their children obtaining improper media content, the harm that spending more time on screens may do to a child's future, and the entanglement of their children with technology.


As in most cases, the solution to these numerous issues is balance. Developing a healthy or lasting attachment to technology is the most crucial stage. Dr. Alter says it's comparable to trying to eat healthily: "Older children naturally grasp the idea of balance; they are aware that it's vital to eat nutritious meals alongside sweets and desserts and that passive screen time contributes to "empty calories." There is a place for computers, however, not at the cost of fitness and face-to-face interaction with actual people."

Each family is different, therefore parenting methods and morals differ. Generally, though, you've probably struck a balance if your family can take advantage of technology without experiencing many of the negative impacts and you feel confident about how kids utilise it.

It is important for the parents to note that when the kids get bored if they don't have access to the gadgets, they should observe how the screen time is affecting their sleep, their interpersonal communication, and their school life too. To avoid this harm, parents can set some limitations, like saying their kids are not allowed to use any of the gadgets and have to spend quality time with the family. It can be anytime, such as while eating, sleeping, etc.


Parental aversion to technology is as strong as that of children. We regularly check our phones, burn our midnight oil, or use our laptops to browse the internet or binge-watch our favourite shows. Children are prone to emulate our actions in addition to feeling as though they must compete with technology for our attention. In one survey, over fifty percent of parents said that three or more times a day, technology interfered with their contact with their children.

By following your own advice rather than ordering them, you model the behaviours you want your kids to adopt and demonstrate to them that there are appropriate moments to use technology and inappropriate times when you use it.

Your family probably talks about significant choices that have an impact on all the family members daily, including who will be assigned with what work, planning a get-together, etc. To ensure that everyone uses it the same way, technology use should require the same level of planning.

The advantages of participating in activities with your kids are numerous. The kid will gain more from the exercise with your engagement; you will connect over the common experience, and you will be capable of verifying the stuff they are viewing. Let your kids teach you if they are way ahead of you in terms of digital knowledge; it will boost their confidence and help you stay current with what they're learning.

This is how you can manage your kids screen viewing and how they use gadgets. Parents are the only ones who can frame these habits for their children's good. Using gadgets can help in many ways, but not using them properly can lead to unexpected losses.

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