
Delhi Lodges 5,270 Dengue Cases This Year, Highest Number Of Cases Since 2015 Outbreak

By Seema Sinha
Delhi Lodges 5,270 Dengue Cases This Year, Highest Number Of Cases Since 2015 Outbreak
New Update


According to a report by Delhi Civic body, a total of 5,270 dengue cases have been lodged till November this year with 9 fatalities. The number of cases in the capital city is at all time high since 2015 when a severe dengue outbreak engulfed Delhi with over 10,000 dengue cases. The tally didn't surpass 4,400 cases since then until this year.

As per reports, out of the total 5,270 dengue cases, 2,570 cases infections were reported just over the last week although no fatality had been reported in the last seven days. In previous years, total dengue cases reported were 4,431(2016); 4,726(2017); 2,798(2018); 2,036(2019); and 1,072(2020) respectively.


Dengue, a mosquito borne disease is harmless in most of the cases but can turn fatal in some.

The symptoms of the disease include, fever, nausea and vomiting, muscle and joint pain. However, one should immediately seek medical help on experiencing any of the following symptoms: Vomiting more than thrice a day, bleeding nose or blood in stools, blood in vomit, excessive tiredness or fatigue.


In order to keep onself safe, one must make sure there is no clean standing water anywhere in and around your surroundings as dengue mosquito flourish in clean water.

#Delhi #Dengue Cases #Delhi Civic Body #stay safe #health
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