
Morning Routine: Google CEO Sundar Pichai Morning Routine, Which is based on 3 Simple Things!

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Morning Routine: Google CEO Sundar Pichai Morning Routine, Which is based on 3 Simple Things!

Now very common taking about the morning routine. Many blog, and news outlet has covered the early morning productivity rituals of Oprah, mark Cuban, Steve Jobs, and so on. But morning routine isn’t coping or mirroring of what celebs do.


So, today we are going to talk about the morning routine of Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

What some of the people thinks about his morning routine that wake up at a time, read the papcier, drink some tea, think about the big picture.


Infact, his morning routine starts and get complete with 3 key things that we often forget:

1. Morning routines are not "one size fits all."

If the Oprah may medicate and light candles for clarity and calm, Mark Cuban may drill through to inbox zero before 7am. But it doesn’t mean that it will work on you. We all have different proclivities, interest, personalities, and skills.


Successful morning routines come in every shape and size. Heck, Pichai himself countered the "get up early and get crack in'" norm of morning routines: "I'm not a morning person," he said.

2. Morning routines don't have to be about productivity:

Everyone used to do their morning routine in different ways, some people used to do the morning routine to make them focus and clam. In that you can meditate or yoga for 30 minutes, or some people feel fresh by journal or writing, or like Pichai reading the newspaper. The morning routine doesn’t mean that you should be more productive.


3. Consistency is queen:

Morning routiners adopt AM activities that they very quickly forget about in a week or two. Or, worse yet, they keep cycling through different morning routines because they don't see results in a couple of days. In my experience, you don't really begin to see real progress toward your goal until a month hits -- sometimes longer. And that won't ever happen if you're inconsistent.

For that Pick one routine that fits you and your goal, and stick with it. Pichai, for instance, has been a devotee of his low-key morning starts for years.


Sad to say, I don't have the perfect morning routine formula to share with you. I've tried creating my own -- it's still a work in progress. But the whole point is that it should be yours. So, reverse engineer the best activities, starting with your goal:

  • What is the 1 big (but achievable) goal you want to accomplish with your morning routine?
  • Track your current morning routine for several weeks without making any changes.
  • What habits/activities do you engage in that move you closer to or further from your goal?
  • What circumstances currently keep you from the goal that you can change?
  • Which circumstances can you not change (and should ignore)?
  • What activities have you not yet done that would move you closer to your goal?
  • What measures of success will you put in place to gauge progress?

Last bit of advice (that I imagine Pichai would echo): Don't get discouraged. You can tweak and change your routine over time to find something that works better -- or establish new goals that require a new routine altogether.


Just be sure you give each one time to do its magic before hopping to the next one.

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