Peer for Prevention (For suicide prevention) is a campaign by PSY-Fi: For A Healthy Mind; a step towards building a Mental Health +(ve) community. Peer for Prevention---A Mental Health Intervention for Prevention will cover few paramount milestones such as- understanding the meaning and the leading cause of suicide, to help people understand the warning signs and how they can intervene and prevent someone from committing suicide. The programme will also reflect upon the role of counselling in combating against suicide, with an understanding of the legal and practical implications of Section 309, IPC and the Mental Helath Care Act 2017.
The programme will include panelists and eminent personalities from various fields of Psychiatry, Psychology, Gender Activists, Law, Substance Addiction, Media, Literature, Survivors, Mental Health Education, Resources, etc. on a single platform.
The programme will be held digitally(online platform) from 10th-12th September and aims to help people understand that the time to talk is over, time to act is the need of the hour. Through this project, the objective is to bring the community together and help them gain insight into how different fields of social being influencing them to be social and being
This initiative does not come as a surprise as India accounts for a share of almost two lakhs reported deaths by suicide of the global of eight lakh deaths by suicide per year. With this number significantly increasing every year, it was mandatory for someone to intervene and step forward to spread awareness in a society, where people often turn faces. As responsible citizens, PSY-Fi:For a Healthy Mind community wishes to resolve and take the first step towards the change.
To know more about our work, please have a look at our website:
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