
Watch: Uninvited Guest Gatecrashing a Wedding for Free Food

Recently, a video went viral on social media, displaying a wedding crasher making a dramatic entrance and having fun at the wedding. This video has gained a lot of views and netizens find it quite amusing.

By Dhwani Joshi
New Update

Recently, a video went viral on social media, displaying a wedding crasher making a dramatic entrance and having fun at the wedding. This video has gained a lot of views and netizens find it quite amusing.


In the video, shared by an Instagram user named Rohit Singh Chauhan, a man appears uninvited during a wedding celebration and heads straight for the food. As he feeds himself, he openly states the prices of each item: a plate of different food items for Rs 300, a serving of Manchurian for Rs 50, a Gulab Jamun for Rs 20, and other items for Rs 100. This takes the total cost of his lunch to Rs.470.

Following his meal, the guest gives the bride a gift - a single Rs 10 note placed in an envelope. The video also shows the response of the bride who surprised and confused at receiving such a gift from a stranger at her own wedding.

The video has received around 1 million views and various reactions from netizens, with one user commenting that the guest’s net profit of Rs 460, was from the meal. While another user pointed, that such actions are common in Indian weddings.

#Instagram #Viral #Social media
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