In a jaw-dropping twist of love and defiance, a middle-aged woman from Bihar's Gopalganj district has left everyone stunned by marrying her own niece in a rare same-sex wedding. Suman, who had been secretly involved in a three-year affair with her niece, Shobha, took the bold step of leaving her husband and eloping with Shobha to tie the knot according to Hindu rituals.
The viral videos of their ‘unique’ union, filmed in a local temple in Belwa village, show the couple deeply committed to each other, exchanging garlands and taking the traditional ‘saat phere’ around the sacred fire. Suman, in a moment that has both shocked and intrigued the public, can be seen tying a mangalsutra around her niece’s neck—a powerful declaration of their love.
बिहार के गोपालगंज से थोड़ा विचित्र मामला सामने आया है....
— Afroz Alam (@AfrozJournalist) August 12, 2024
जहां मामी और भांजी के बीच प्यार हो गया और दोनों ने जन्म-जन्म तक साथ रहने की कसमें खा ली।
मामी- भांजी ने पुरे रिती रेवाज के साथ शादी कर ली....#SameSexMarriage
When asked about her unconventional choice, Suman was unapologetic. "Shobha is the love of my life. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her to someone else. This fear drove us to leave everything behind and marry, no matter what society thinks," she said. Shobha echoed Suman’s sentiments, declaring that the opinions of others were irrelevant as long as they had each other.
The couple’s announcement on social media, featuring videos of their wedding, has ignited a firestorm of reactions. While some have lauded their courage and right to love, others have slammed the marriage as "unnatural," branding it a "violation of natural laws" and even calling it a sign of "Kalyug"—the dark ages.
This unconventional love story has left the internet divided, proving once again that when it comes to matters of the heart, anything can happen—even in the most unexpected ways.