In an unconventional culinary twist, a street vendor has taken the internet by storm with a video showcasing an unusual treat: deep-fried chocolate ice cream. The viral clip features the vendor dipping a chocolate ice cream bar into a slurry, then frying it in boiling oil, resulting in a crispy snack that resembles a traditional pakoda.
This strange creation, which looks akin to a mirchi bajji but with ice cream, has sparked widespread intrigue and bewilderment. The video, shared by a news outlet, has quickly gained traction online, adding to the growing list of peculiar food experiments that include chocolate sugarcane juice and Coca-Cola maggie.
While the concept of combining a cold dessert with hot, oily cooking may seem outlandish, it has undoubtedly captured the curiosity of food enthusiasts and the internet alike.
Here is the viral video below:
Time to leave this planet
— desi mojito 🇮🇳 (@desimojito) August 20, 2024