‘HERE’ presents a breathtaking familial narrative. Following the trail of Joy, Hope, Loss, and Love, the film’s epic story travels through time, capturing the essence of life.
National, 13th September 2024:
PVRINOX Pictures is HERE with another mega blockbuster release!
Check the trailer Here:
From the highly acclaimed director, writer, and superstars of the cult classic ‘Forrest Gump’, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, Kelly Reilly and Michelle Dockery, HERE is a reunion of the celebrated team & all set to release worldwide on 8th of November 2024!
The film explores the intertwined story of multiple families and a special place they call home. The story travels through generations, capturing the human experience in its purest form. Under the masterful direction of Robert Zemeckis, screenplay by Eric Roth & Zemeckis and HERE is inspired by the best seller graphic novel by Richard McGuire. Tom Hanks and Robin Wright star in a tale of love, loss, laughter and life, all of which happen right HERE.
HERE delivers a masterclass cinematic journey that blends raw emotions with striking cinematography, promising a powerful experience for viewers worldwide. Through the lens of one location, one house, and multiple stories, the film explores how a single place can transcend time and deeply influence the lives of those who inhabit it. HERE illuminates various tales and captivates the raw essence of the journey of life.
Maverick filmmaker Robert Zemeckis spoke to Vanity Fair about how HERE takes place entirely from one fixed point of view and how the camera never budges. It doesn’t zoom and never even turns. What does move—and rather quickly—is time. More than a century of life in one American living room plays out during the brisk 104-minute story. “The single perspective never changes, but everything around it does.” “It’s actually never been done before. There are similar scenes in very early silent movies, before the language of montage was invented. But other than that, yeah, it was a risky venture.”
The extraordinary experiential story of HERE is all set to hit the theatres on 8th November 2024!