
Sophie Turner Sues Joe Jonas For Illegally Keeping Their Two Daughters In New York City!

Trending: Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have been making headline over their divorce. Their divorce saga has taken a new turn, Sophie has filed a lawsuit against Joe Jonas for not returning their daughters to England.

By Sanjana Lama
New Update
Joe Jonas and Sophie.jpg

Sophie Turner Sues Joe Jonas

Singer Joe Jonas and actress Sophie Turner have been making headlines over their divorce from past few days. Their divorce has come as a shock for many fans. Each day their divorce saga is taking a new twist and turns, As per he report, Sophie Turner has sued her former husband Joe Jonas for refusing their two daughters return to their home England. She has accused him of illegally keeping their children's in New York City. 


Details of Sophie's allegation against Joe:

Sophie Turner has filled a lawsuit in Manhattan against Joe Jonas for unlawfully keeping their children with him in New York. As per the lawsuit filled, it states, "The father has prevented the children's return to England, which is a breach of the Mother's right of custody under English law, England being their children's habitual residence".

As per the report, Sophie has stated, that the couple had agreed to made England their "permant home" as they had earlier discussed their willingness to raise their two daughters in the UK as they felt it was more safe place for their kids to be raised. In her lawsuit she has provided the details of activities their kids have been engaged in England from past few months. 


In the lawsuit Sophie has alleged that, "She and Joe had agreed that their two daughters Willa 3, and the one year old daughter, whose name has yet not been revealed would stay with Joe Jonas While the Jonas brother toured The US, as she was busy with her shooting for her upcoming series"

 She has accused Joe Jonas, "that the agreement was that when she'll return to New York after finishing her shooting, she would take their children back to their home to England". However, Joe Jonas has refused to return the childrens to their mother and in her lawsuit it stated, "refused to return the passports to the Mother and refuses to send the children home to Engkand with the Mother". 

However, Joe Jonas has rejected all the allegations. Eariler, both of them had together took to Instagram and had released a joint statement announcing their divorce. They had had stated that they had mutually decided to "amicably" end their marriage. It is shockig how each day new stories are coming out about their marriage and divorce.  

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