India's ODI and Test captain, Rohit Sharma, often finds himself in the spotlight for various reasons. Just a few months ago, under Rohit's leadership, the Indian team won the ICC T20 World Cup 2024, filling the hearts of every Indian with pride. However, following this victory, Rohit announced his retirement from T20 International cricket. Currently, the cricketer is making headlines again, but for a different reason. Rohit, who is on a break after the ODI series against Sri Lanka, is rumored to be expecting his second child with his wife, Ritika Sajdeh.
Recently, a post on X (formerly Twitter) went viral, where a user claimed that the cricketer is indeed awaiting the arrival of his second child. After the post gained attention on social media, many users began questioning the authenticity of the news. The original poster later revealed that a relative of Rohit's had confirmed the news. Following this, several others took to the comments to extend their best wishes to the expecting couple.
In addition to the post, a video of Ritika Sajdeh has also gone viral online. The clip, shared on X with the caption "Junior hitman," is from an award ceremony held on August 21, 2024. Ritika attended the event with her husband, Rohit Sharma. In the video, she is seen wearing a dress, and as she made her way into the venue, netizens noticed what appeared to be a slight baby bump. It is important to note that the couple has not yet confirmed the rumors of their second pregnancy.