
Essential Do’s & Don’ts Every Tourist Must Know Before Travelling to South Korea!

Planning to travel to South Korea? You can have a seamless trip by following our guide to cultural do's and don'ts.

By minal
Essential Do’s & Don’ts Every Tourist Must Know Before Travelling to South Korea!

Essential Do’s & Don’ts Every Tourist Must Know Before Travelling to South Korea!

New Update

Embarking on a journey to South Korea? Before the excitement takes over, familiarize yourself with essential do’s and don’ts for a seamless cultural experience. From polite gestures like accepting with two hands to cultural nuances like not writing names in red, this guide ensures a respectful exploration of this captivating nation.


Do’s When Visiting South Korea

  1. Accept with Respect: Use both hands when receiving items – a gesture of politeness and respect.

  2. Shoe Etiquette: Remove shoes before entering homes or certain restaurants to adhere to local customs.

  3. Recycle Right: Segregate trash; South Korea is a global recycling leader, and locals take it seriously.

  4. Learn Basic Korean: A few simple words foster communication and show respect for the local language.

  5. Taxi Etiquette: Hail a taxi using your palm, a more appreciated and polite gesture in Korean culture.



Don’ts When Visiting South Korea:


  1. Public Nose Blowing: Avoid blowing your nose in public places, respecting cultural norms, especially among the younger generation.

  2. Red Ink Warnings: Writing names in red ink is considered offensive and unlucky; opt for other colours.

  3. Skip Tipping: Unlike Western countries, tipping isn't common in Korea, except in some upscale places.

  4. Respect Privacy: Always seek permission before taking pictures of people to uphold their privacy and adhere to the law.

  5. Quiet Public Spaces: Maintain a quiet demeanour on public transport; loud behaviour is seen as rude in a culture valuing personal space.


This guide prepares you for an enriching journey, reminding you that embracing local customs enhances the travel experience. Respect for South Korea's cultural intricacies ensures a memorable adventure in this beautiful nation. As a guest, understanding and complying with these practices will not only enrich your travel but also reflect your appreciation for the cultural tapestry of South Korea.


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