Whether we realize it or not, Generative AI is increasingly pervasive in our daily lives. It’s found in social media captions, the music behind television commercials, the images accompanying magazine articles, and even in the responses we receive from chat features on retail websites. Simply put, it’s more common than ever before.
However, like any emerging technology, Generative AI has its limitations. It’s new, continuously evolving, and its accuracy isn’t always guaranteed. Relying on its output without scrutiny can lead to the dissemination of incorrect information and embarrassing mistakes, ultimately eroding trust and damaging reputations.
To address these concerns, large corporations, universities, and other organizations are implementing safeguards to verify AI output.
In response to the growing presence and usage of AI technology, the PRSA’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards has released “Promise and Peril: The Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners.” This guide outlines best practices for preventing and managing potential ethical challenges that may arise from improper use of AI tools.
Here are four crucial steps you can take to ensure the accuracy of any AI-generated content:
1. Verify the source material:
Ensure the information an AI tool uses to generate content comes from a credible author or source, not another AI-generated source. Check if the material lists a reliable author and/or publication. Also, confirm that the original material is recent by checking the date.
2. Fact-check thoroughly:
Any content generated or information obtained using Generative AI should be meticulously fact-checked before being utilized. From names and dates to historical data, AI is only as reliable as its sources, and human verification is essential to ensure accuracy. Simple Google searches can help, as well as tools like Google Fact Check Explorer and PolitiFact.
3. Proofread carefully:
Just like humans, AI can make mistakes with spelling, grammar, and clarity. Take time to proofread any AI-generated content, using tools like Grammarly for additional support. While reviewing, make sure the content aligns with your voice or that of your client, making edits and revisions as needed.
4. Trust your instincts:
As a human, you perceive content in ways an AI bot cannot. If you feel uncertain or uneasy while reviewing AI-generated data or writing, trust your instincts and thoroughly check the work.
Our work demands constant creativity and fresh perspectives. Generative AI can assist in this while improving efficiency, but taking the time to verify its accuracy is crucial. By having the final say on the content you create, you’ll maintain trust with your clients and audience, and reinforce your reputation as a provider of high-quality ideas and content.