
10 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content


Credits: Google

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Writing and publishing blog posts or articles on your own website is critical to generate qualified traffic. Publishing informational content on a website blog, resource section, or Content is everywhere today. It’s insanely competitive. Did you know that over 70 million blog posts are published monthly? If you’re going to gain any real traction, you need to look beyond publishing content on your website.


1. Medium 

Medium allows you to republish your existing blog posts (if you use their import feature, they even add a rel=canonical link), but you can also use this platform as a way to increase traffic to the full blog posts on your site.

2. Reddit


 Reddit can be a worthwhile platform to consider for sharing content, but it needs to be done the right way. Redditors are very conscious of brands attempting to “spam” subreddits with their own content, so this is usually best left to a few employees with active Reddit accounts who may occasionally share company blog posts once or twice a month.

3. LinkedIn Articles

 Like Medium, LinkedIn allows you to syndicate blog posts on your personal LinkedIn profile as LinkedIn articles. Although these articles currently don’t automatically add rel=canonical links, research has shown that Google isn’t flagging these as duplicate content (even though they show up on duplicate content search sites like Copyscape). Because of their existing network on LinkedIn, many users have built up a strong subscriber base for their articles on the platform.


4. Email

 Promoting your content through email is an “oldie but goodie” tactic that still pulls major weight. In addition to being much more loyal to your brand, email subscribers are 3.9x more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other sources.

5. BizSugar


This online community is for business owners and marketers interested in discussing growth and growth hacking topics. Bizsugar have online events, free groups, and resources for their users like goal setting templates.


 This is a slightly different format, but users can up- or down-vote content about WordPress.


7. Dzone

The Dzone discussion board has over 1 million developers who share content and links on coding, cloud computing, and more.

 8. Twitter Brand Accounts


 If your article makes sense for your brand, consider adding your article to your sharing list for your Twitter brand accounts.

9. Twitter Personal Accounts

 Twitter moves fast, so it makes sense to share your article, along with a great quote, in a few places on Twitter. It is in your best interest to spread the shares out a bit so you don’t overwhelm your audience.


 10. Twitter Chats

 For a more targeted audience, look for industry-related Twitter chats and use their hashtags when sharing really high-quality content. Use it sparingly: don’t spam the chat hashtag with every piece of content you write.


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