
South Korea's Record-Low Fertility Rate In The World

South Korea's fertility rate hits a record low of 0.72, sparking concerns over future demographic and economic challenges amid changing social and economic priorities.

By minal
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South Korea's Record-Low Fertility Rate In The World

South Korea is experiencing a dramatic decline in its total fertility rate (TFR), which has dropped to 0.72 and is forecasted to fall further to 0.68. This alarming trend places South Korea among the countries with the lowest fertility rates in the world, following closely behind Macao. The TFR needed to maintain a stable population is 2.1 children per woman, making South Korea's current rate a significant concern.


Several factors contribute to this decline, including social, economic, and cultural influences. The high cost of child-rearing and the increasing trend of prioritizing careers over starting families are among the primary reasons. Additionally, the societal shift towards accepting and even preferring a childfree lifestyle has gained traction among South Korea's younger population.

Interestingly, while some view this trend with concern, noting potential future economic and demographic challenges, many Korean netizens have expressed positive reactions. They argue that a lower population could benefit the environment and allow individuals more personal freedom and financial stability.

The declining TFR is a complex issue with far-reaching implications. As South Korea navigates these demographic changes, the nation's policymakers and society will need to address the multifaceted causes and potential consequences of this significant shift.

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