
Chinese Face Mapping: What Acne Spots On Your Face Mean

Your skin, being your largest and most visible organ, often signals internal issues through blemishes and other problems. Face mapping, an approach rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs, suggests that these skin issues reflect health conditions.

By Shreya Mirikar
New Update
Chinese Face Mapping: What acne spots on your face mean

Your skin, being your largest and most visible organ, often signals internal issues through blemishes and other problems. Face mapping, an approach rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs, suggests that these skin issues reflect underlying health conditions. While traditional face mapping linked skin issues to specific internal organs, modern techniques have emerged, focusing more on dermatological science. Although the idea that facial blemishes indicate deeper health issues persists, research on the effectiveness of face mapping for improving skin health remains limited.


1. Forehead

Breakouts or lines on your forehead might be connected to your digestive system. Issues like irritable bowel syndrome, a poor diet, not enough sleep, or high stress can all show up on your forehead.

2. Temples


Acne on your temples might be linked to problems with your kidneys and bladder. Infections or inflammation in these areas can show up as pimples, and sometimes medications that don’t suit you can cause issues there too.

3. Eyebrows

The area between your eyebrows is connected to your liver, which helps detoxify your body. If you’re feeling stressed or eating poorly, it can affect this spot on your face.


4. Eyes

Puffiness, eye bags, or dark circles under your eyes can be linked to how well your body is handling fluids. Not drinking enough water or being stressed out can make these issues worse.

5. Nose


Your nose is divided into two sides: the left side is connected to the left side of your heart, and the right side is linked to the right side. Issues with the heart might show up as redness or blackheads on the nose, while excess oiliness or breakouts could indicate problems with blood pressure or cholesterol.

6. Cheeks

Your cheeks are connected to your stomach, spleen, and lungs. Redness in your cheeks might mean your stomach is inflamed, while breakouts could be a sign of allergies or sinus problems.


7. Mouth

The area around your mouth is linked to your stomach and colon. So, if you have ulcers or sores here, it might mean you have stomach issues or you’re eating too many raw or cold foods that strain your stomach.

8. Chin


Pimples on your jawline and chin are often linked to hormones and reproductive health. These breakouts can be connected to your menstrual cycle or stress.

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