
Scientists Discover 6th Hidden Ocean Beneath Earth's Surface

Scientists discover a hidden ocean beneath Earth's surface, three times larger than all surface oceans combined, trapped within the mantle at 700 km depth.

By minal
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Scientists Discover 6th Hidden Ocean Beneath Earth's Surface

Researchers have uncovered a sixth ocean, located about 700 kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface. This newly discovered reservoir is estimated to be three times larger than all the surface oceans combined, and it lies trapped within the Earth's mantle.


How the Discovery Was Made

Scientists from Northwestern University used a network of 2,000 seismographs across the U.S. to study seismic waves from over 500 earthquakes. They noticed that these waves slowed down in a specific area within the mantle, indicating the presence of water. The water was found to be stored within a blue mineral called ringwoodite, which acts like a sponge for the liquid, keeping it trapped inside its crystal structure.

What This Means for Earth's Water Cycle


This hidden water reservoir is not like the oceans we see on the surface. Instead, it's water molecules held inside ringwoodite. Researchers believe this water plays a key role in maintaining the stability of surface oceans. Without it, the Earth's surface would likely have much less landmass, leaving only mountains visible above water.

The discovery supports the idea that Earth's surface oceans might have originated from within the planet, rather than from external sources like comets. This sheds new light on the long-term stability of Earth's water cycle, which has remained consistent for millions of years.

What’s Next in Research


Scientists plan to gather more seismic data from other parts of the world to understand the full impact of this hidden ocean. By doing so, they hope to learn whether mantle melting is a global or regional phenomenon and uncover more about how Earth’s interior influences its surface.

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