
Army Reacts: Last Leg Of D-Day Seoul Concert Shows The BTS Maknae Trio Grooving With Army Over AgustD!

Army!? You were not ready for this we can feel you. Watching BTS boys Jimin, V and Jungkook attending Suga’s concert, check out the fans’ reactions and how elated they were!   

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It's Min Yoon-gi’s final concert of his Agust D tour and after 24 successful shows around the globe, he wrapped his last show in Seoul, Korea. And guess what? His bandmates Jimin, V, and Jungkook were seen attending his friend's show and we couldn't be more elated. 


The boys were the best pavilions for sure, cheering, screaming and feeling all the love through their voices for Suga. And ARMY got a special treat for sure, they were the happiest and we can see that in the videos and through the tweets. While Suga was seen announcing the same, “My brothers are here today. Thank you so much, guys." And fans screamed, Jimin did a little dance with his ARMY bomb and made finger hearts. V and Jungkook also grooved as they made peace and heart signs.




We saw Jeon cheering his heart out for his boy Yoongi, shouting in a mic Yoongi, Yoongi! Well done. Good luck at KSPO Dome. Fighting!" While the attendees were seen laughing and happily shouting at his words. Checkout the video below:



Tae-hyung was seen in a jacket paired with trousers, Jimin opted for a grey sweatshirt and pants, while Kookie wore a white t-shirt with shorts. 



And at the end of the show, Suga talked about performing with his BTS boys, The next time I'm on stage, there should be seven of us. Shouldn't that's how it should be? Don't you agree? Anyways thank you so much. I was so happy today." He also said, "I'm sure that today will not be the last day. I mean there might be another solo concert three years from now," he said.


Meanwhile, check out the happy teaars shared by the ARMY via tweets, we couldn’t get enough of them. 





At the end of the show, when Min Yoongi announced the last song of the night the ARMY was heard screaming “NO” and then he went on announcing his August D-Day Tour Seoul Encore Concert on August 4-6 this year at the Olympic Park KSPO Dome. Then Suga, Jimin, V and Jungkook left the venue together. Jungkook waved at the fans as he walked out of the concert venue.


#Jungkook #Jimin #BTS #V #seoul korea #Suga
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