
Opinion: Will Israel Be The Reason Why World War 3 Starts?

The world is on fire, a phrase that is used so vaguely but looking at the world right, it sure is on fire. What started as a war on a terrorist organisation has now turned the entire Middle East into a battlefield.

By Ritesh Singh
New Update

The world is on fire, a phrase that is used so vaguely but looking at the world right, it sure is on fire. What started as a war on a terrorist organisation has now turned the entire Middle East into a battlefield. 


The First Line: The Strip

The war between Hamas and Israel that started on 7 October 2023 can be considered as the spark that has now turned into a flame that has started to burn the world. Hamas, operating from The Gaza Strip, vandalised a concert in Israel and took multiple hostages. In retaliation, Israel declared war against Hamas and started bombing the Gaza Strip. Civilians or Hamas, everyone faced the worst of the bombing, becoming one of the biggest humanitarian crises of all time.

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The Second Line: Borders

As the whole Gaza Strip turned into dust, Israel turned its eyes towards another terrorist organisation, Hezbollah in Lebanon, striking missiles after missiles at targets in Lebanon. Claiming to target only High-ranking Hezbollah members, the missiles have killed more civilians than those targets. Videos have started to surface on social media platforms, where citizens of Lebanon are sharing live footage of the bombardment. It was after Israel announced that it was ready to invade Lebanon on the ground, that Iran decided to launch missiles on Israel.

The Last Line: Allies 


With Iran and Israel officially at war, the world can't sit in the backseat. Countries around the world have started taking sides, making allies and blocs that are dividing the world into two. Countries like the US, UK and Canada stand by Israel while Russia and China have sided with Iran. The US went as far as to threaten Iran that if they didn't stop, they would enter the war. 

Is World War 3 here?

The world has seen two World Wars so far, both in Europe, but this time, it might be in the Middle East. Israel is attaching The Gaza Strip, Lebanon, and Iran while also attacking targets in Syria. But that is not the only war happening in the world; Russia and Ukraine have been at war for over a year, Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, which is attacking Pakistan, and Africa is going through multiple civil wars. 


It's only a matter of a second that someone else decides to join the war on any side and lead the whole world to fall into it.

The world is on fire and it's hard to say how it will end.

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