
Choosing to End Life: A Tough Decision for a Young Dutch Woman

A Dutch woman, Zoraya, 28, opts for euthanasia due to severe depression and autism. Her decision raises debate on mental health care and end-of-life choices.

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Choosing to End Life: A Tough Decision for a Young Dutch Woman

Choosing to End Life: A Tough Decision for a Young Dutch Woman

A 28-year-old woman named Zoraya ter Beek from the Netherlands has decided to end her life because she has been very sad and struggling with autism and other mental health issues for a long time. She lives in a small village near Germany and is set to be euthanised in May, which means a doctor will give her medicine to stop her heart.


Zoraya has had a tough life dealing with mental health problems. She used to dream of becoming a psychiatrist but has faced so much pain that she can't bear it anymore. Her psychiatrist told her that they had tried everything to help her but nothing has worked.

In the Netherlands, it's legal for people to choose euthanasia if they are suffering a lot and want to die. After Zoraya dies, a group of people will check if the doctor followed all the rules. Zoraya wants to be cremated after she dies because she doesn't want to burden her boyfriend with looking after a grave.

More and more people are thinking about ending their lives because they are struggling with mental health issues like depression and anxiety, which can be made worse by things like not having enough money, climate change, and social media.


Some experts say that doctors and psychiatrists are now more willing to consider euthanasia for people with mental illnesses, even though it used to be a last resort. They worry that this could make it seem like the only option for people who are struggling.

Zoraya's story shows how difficult it can be for people with mental illnesses. It's important for society to offer better support and treatment options so that people like Zoraya don't feel like they have to choose death over living with their pain.

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