
Twitter Confirms Authenticity: Rajat Sharma's Live TV Abuse of Ragini Nayak Not Fake or Edited, Delhi High Court Told

Twitter confirmed the authenticity of Rajat Sharma's live TV abuse of Ragini Nayak as genuine and unedited, according to statements made in the Delhi High Court during legal proceedings.

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Ragini Nayak Not Fake or Edited,

Ragini Nayak Not Fake or Edited

Twitter's Confirmation of the Authenticity of the Video


In a stunning revelation, Twitter has confirmed the authenticity of a  video that shows Rajat Sharma, a well-known Indian journalist and  television anchor, abusing Ragini Nayak, a former employee of his news  channel, India TV. The video, which went viral on social media  platforms, shows Sharma using derogatory language and making sexist  remarks against Nayak during a live telecast.

The Delhi High Court Case

The confirmation from Twitter came during a hearing in the Delhi High  Court, where Ragini Nayak had filed a defamation case against Rajat  Sharma and India TV. Nayak had accused Sharma and the channel of  damaging her reputation by airing false and defamatory content about  her. She had also sought damages of Rs 1 crore from Sharma and the  channel.


The Viral Video and its Aftermath

The video that showed Sharma abusing Nayak had gone viral on social media platforms, with many users expressing shock and outrage over Sharma's  behavior. The video showed Sharma using derogatory language and making  sexist remarks against Nayak during a live telecast. Nayak had resigned  from her position at India TV citing sexual harassment and a hostile  work environment.

Twitter's Confirmation of the Video's Authenticity


During the hearing in the Delhi High Court, Twitter was asked to confirm the  authenticity of the video. Twitter's counsel confirmed that the video  was indeed genuine and had not been edited or manipulated in any way.  This confirmation from Twitter is significant as it lends credibility to the claims made by Ragini Nayak in her defamation case against Rajat  Sharma and India TV.

The Need for Accountability in Media

The incident involving Rajat Sharma and Ragini Nayak highlights the need  for accountability in the media industry. It is essential that  journalists and media personnel uphold the highest standards of  professionalism and ethics. The use of derogatory language and sexist  remarks is completely unacceptable and has no place in the media  industry.


The Importance of Social Media in Exposing Wrongdoing

The viral video of Rajat Sharma abusing Ragini Nayak is a prime example of  the power of social media in exposing wrongdoing. Social media platforms have become an important tool for holding individuals and institutions  accountable for their actions. The video, which was widely shared on  social media, helped to bring attention to the issue of sexual  harassment and the hostile work environment faced by many women in the media industry.

In conclusion, the confirmation from Twitter of  the authenticity of the video showing Rajat Sharma abusing Ragini Nayak is a significant development in the ongoing defamation case. The  incident highlights the need for accountability in the media industry  and the importance of social media in exposing wrongdoing. It is essential that journalists and media personnel uphold the highest  standards of professionalism and ethics, and that they are held  accountable for their actions.



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