
These Food Delivery Containers Can Cause Cancer?

The discussion gained momentum after a viral Instagram video, in which an influencer warned against using or reusing black plastic containers for food storage or microwaving.

By Kanan Parmar
New Update

These Food Delivery Containers Can Cause Cancer


A recent online debate has raised concerns about the safety of using plastic food delivery containers. The issue arises from the fact that they are made of 'black plastic,' a material that is more common in everyday life than many people realise. Black plastic is commonly used to manufacture everyday items such as food trays, containers, and utensils. It is often made from recycled materials, old electronics, and treated with chemicals to improve its resistance to flames. However, components such as decaBDE are not strongly bonded in the plastic and may become leached into food when hot, oily, or acidic.

The debate picked up after a viral Instagram video wherein an influencer chided people against using or reusing black plastic containers for food or microwaving.


While there isn't definitive evidence directly linking black plastic to cancer, its chemical composition poses enough risks to warrant caution. Microplastics from black plastic, often ingested through items like tea bags and bottled water, contribute to accumulated toxins in the body.

Studies have shown that chemicals in black plastic can disrupt the endocrine system, potentially causing reproductive health issues, obesity, and diabetes. Research also indicates that exposure to certain additives in black plastic may lead to developmental delays and reduced IQ in children, along with other neurological disorders.



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