
Rising Groundwater Temperatures Threaten Drinkability for Millions by 2100

Groundwater, Earth's largest reservoir of unfrozen freshwater, faces a growing peril. As global temperatures increase, so does the heat trapped beneath our feet.

By Shreya Mirikar
New Update

Groundwater, Earth's largest reservoir of unfrozen freshwater, faces a growing peril. As global temperatures increase, so does the heat trapped beneath our feet. Scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology warn that by 2100, groundwater temperatures may escalate sharply, surpassing safe drinking water limits in numerous areas.


The problem lies with greenhouse gases. They accumulate in the atmosphere, trapping heat that warms not only the air but also the ground and the water beneath it. Researchers examined two climate scenarios—moderate and extreme—to predict the consequences. In both scenarios, the findings were worrying.

In the less severe scenario, groundwater temperatures are expected to increase by 2.1°C by 2100. While it might not sound like a lot, this rise could have devastating effects. Presently, about 30 million people reside in regions where groundwater exceeds safe drinking standards. As temperatures climb, this figure could surge to between 77 and 188 million by the end of the century.

In the worst-case scenarios, groundwater temperatures could spike by 3.5°C, potentially affecting anywhere from 59 to 588 million people. This wide range accounts for how climate change varies across different regions and how populations are growing.


The effects of this unnoticed warming are extensive. Warmer groundwater can contain dangerous substances like arsenic and manganese, posing risks to human health. It can also disturb fragile ecosystems and affect the potential for geothermal energy. Fish, especially those dependent on cool groundwater for breeding, might encounter problems with reproduction.

This goes beyond the environment—it's a growing public health emergency. We must take immediate action to safeguard our valuable groundwater. Adopting sustainable practices and tackling climate change are essential steps to ensure that clean drinking water remains accessible to everyone in the future.

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