The shooting for Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi-starrer Ramayana has been going on in Mumbai for some time now. As per a News18 report, the working title of the film is also out. Moreover, the filming for Ramayana may take place beyond the schedule the film's team had finalised. Hence, Ranbir will reportedly start shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Love And War by August or September this year. (Also Read | Ranbir Kapoor's Ramayana made on budget of around ₹835 crore; film to release in 2027: Report)
News18 quoted a source as saying, “Ranbir will continue shooting for Ramayana and begin the prep for Love And War in the second half of August or early September simultaneously. While Alia will get busy with filming YRF’s upcoming spy thriller with Sharvari Wagh, Ranbir will dive into script reading sessions and discussions with Bhansali before beginning its shoot. Bhansali, in fact, will begin Love And War with him as the latter may reach the conclusion of the shoot of the first part of the Ramayana trilogy by November. The shoot of Love And War will begin in Mumbai but a set for the same is yet to be constructed." The working title of Ramayana is reportedly God Power.
According to the report, the film will have some "elaborate song sequences" for which Bhansali is "personally in discussions with his production design team". It is still not revealed when Vicky Kaushal, who is also a part of the film will join the shoot.
According to the report, the Ramayana team has decided to cover up the sets and film indoors to avoid photos being leaked. “The producers didn’t want any glimpses of the film to come out before an official announcement, and despite trying their best – including opting for a no-phone policy on set – shutterbugs managed to click pictures of Ranbir and Sai’s looks from the film. Curtains have been put all around and the surveillance has been tightened to avoid further leaks,” as per the report.
The film is being directed by Nitesh Tiwari. Ramayana stars Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Goddess Sita, Lara Dutta as Kaikeyi, Sunny Deol as Hanuman and Sheeba Chaddha as Manthara. However, an official announcement regarding the film is still awaited.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali's epic saga Love & War will release in theatres in Christmas 2025. The film will star Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal. Bhansali announced his next film in January this year.