The Anil Kapoor-hosted Bigg Boss OTT 3 concluded on August 2 with Sana Makbul emerging as the winner. Following the show's end, excitement for the upcoming main season of Bigg Boss began to build. While a tentative list of contestants for Bigg Boss 18 has started circulating on social media, it has been confirmed that Salman Khan will return as the host for this season. Salman was unable to host Bigg Boss OTT 3 due to filming commitments for his upcoming movie Sikandar.
Bigg Boss 18 is set to premiere on October 5.
The show will start on the first Saturday of October. While no contestants have been confirmed yet, many are being approached. On Monday, Payal Malik, known from Bigg Boss OTT 3, claimed in her vlog that her husband’s second wife, Kritika Malik, has been signed for the season, though this has not been officially confirmed. Contestants typically sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to prevent early leaks, so Payal’s statement might simply be an attempt to attract attention.
Watch Bigg Boss OTT 3 winner Sana Makbul’s interview right here:
Tentative contestant names making the rounds include actors Arjun Bijlani, Karan Patel, Sameera Reddy, Surbhi Jyoti, Pooja Sharma, Shoaib Ibrahim, and Dalljiet Kaur. Social media influencers like Abhishek Malhan, Mr. Faisu, Deepika Arya, Dolly Chaiwala, Maxtern, and Thugesh are also rumored to be part of the lineup. Additionally, names from reality shows such as Splitsvilla 15's rumored winners Kashish Kapoor, Digvijay Singh Rathee, and Siwet Tomar might join. Reports suggest that the makers may also bring back Shivani Kumari, Vishal Pandey, and Adnaan Shaikh from Bigg Boss OTT 3 for the main season.