On June 19, the Madhya Pradesh Government temporarily suspended the licence of Som Distilleries, a liquor factory in Raisen district. The government rescued 58 children, 39 boys and 19 girls from the factory.
The children were rescued when An inspection was conducted by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) led by chairperson Priyank Kanoongo after a complaint was filed by the non-profit Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) on June 15.
Priyank Kanoongo said "They were enrolled in a school and would come in school buses. So people thought they were going to the school, but they worked in the liquor factory.” He further added, "Children bore burn wounds on their hands from exposure to harsh chemicals and alcohol. They were transported daily by their employer in a school bus and worked 12-14 hours daily.”
In a post on social media platform X, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minster Mohan Yadav said, “Madhya Pradesh is a state which is cited as an example in the country, so if anyone commits a crime here, he will not be spared. M/s Som Distilleries Private Limited in Raisen district has been booked for the heinous crime of child labour, so its license has been suspended. Careless officials related to this case were suspended earlier.”
BBA director Manish Sharma said, "The stench of alcohol and chemicals was unbearable. It is unimaginable the children worked in these conditions for such long hours every day. We appeal for strict action against the employers."
Som Distilleries & Breweries is an ISO-certified group of companies manufacturing and supplying beer, India-made Foreign Liquor and Ready To Drink beverages. The company said the concerns are related to a plant run by its "associate private limited company" that used labour supplied by contractors, who may not have verified the age properly.