Actor Vikrant Massey was caught in a heated dispute with a cab driver recently, and a shocking video of the incident has gone viral on social media. The footage shows Massey arguing with the driver about the fare. However, some fans questioned the authenticity of the video, speculating if it was staged. Turns out, it’s part of a promotional video for an app cab. In the video that is now going viral on social media, a cab driver accuses Vikrant of refusing to pay the fare for his ride while recording the confrontation. Vikrant contends that the fare was initially quoted as Rs 450 when they began the journey.
When the driver asked him again if he wouldn’t pay, Vikrant replied firmly, “Kyun denge bhai? Aur chilla kyun raha hai?” He can also be heard asking the driver why did he turn on the camera. “Are you threatening me? How did the fare go up suddenly? I am not saying it’s your fault, but it’s not my fault as well. You’re saying it’s the app’s fault and isn’t it wrong?” he shot back at the driver.
Meanwhile, Vikrant is enjoying the success of his film 12th Fail. The Vidhu Vinod Chopra directorial has not only impressed audiences but has also become a beacon of success in the Indian film industry. Starring Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankr, the film has celebrated its 25th week in theatres. As the movie continues to charm audiences on OTT platforms, its leading actors opened up about their perspectives on the glitz and glamour that accompany the world of acting.
Vikrant continues to receive lots of love and praise, riding high on the success of the movie. Reflecting on the film’s success, he recently said, “Right from childhood, I used to read the stories of the films completing Silver Jubilees. I grew up in that atmosphere, and reading these stories was a one-of-a-kind experience. Now when ’12th Fail’ made the silver jubilee run, it felt like a re-release,” he continues. “And also, the film is still screening in cinemas as well as on the OTT platform; it felt surreal. For every actor, this is the biggest achievement. The response to the film and my performance has filled me with gratitude, and this always feels special.”