
Furiosa Movie Review: Anya Taylor Joy Steals the Show

Movie Review: Furiosa, a dystopian film set in the Mad Max universe, was recently released and it was a star-studded and action-packed affair.

By Dhwani Joshi
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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, directed by George Miller, arrived in the Indian theatres on May 23, 2024. Furiosa is a prequel to the Mad Max films and is set in the same dystopian world. The film stars Anya Taylor Joy as the protagonist, Furiosa and Chris Hemsworth as the antagonist.


The film follows the story of Furiosa, before she teams up with Mad Max. Furiosa is abducted by members by the biker gang whose warlord is Dementus. Furiosa is rescued by her mother but is eventually captured back again when her mother gets killed. The story is driven is Furiosa’s grudge against Dementus and her determination to avenge her mother.


The VFX of the film is top notch and paired with the background music perfectly aligns with the story. If you like elaborate VFX and films using CGI, this film is definitely for you. The make up and costume department has done an exceptional job at making the characters look dystopian. The movie is action packed and the action sequences were well choreographed and interesting to watch.


The film is divided into 5 chapters, so when the story moves from one chapter to another, there are gaps in the story which leaves the audience feeling confused. The film also feels a bit stretched out, which can make the viewers uninterested in the middle of the story. The movie has certain twists and unexpected surprises, but overall, the flow of the story is simple, building up for a sequel. This film is leading up to a war that will be shown in the next film.

Anya Taylor Joy definitely steals the spotlight with her phenomenal performance. The first half of the film, we witness Furiosa’s struggles and her grieving process, but by the second half, she really comes into her own, and Joy performs the action sequences wonderfully. Though Anya does a fantastic joy, Chris Hemsworth’s performance left the fans disappointed. His character, though an antagonist, failed to portray the terror and just didn’t feel villainous.

Overall, it is an interesting film and if you are interested in VFX and action, this is something that might interest you.


Rating- 3/5

#Furiosa #Chris Hemsworth #Anya Taylor Joy
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