
Lord Krishna: Our eternal friend and well wisher!

The Supreme Lord's dealings with His devotees, whether in Vrindavan or Dwaraka, illustrate His deep, personal investment in their lives. He engages in intimate relationships with His devotees, such as being a friend to Sudama

By Mausam Pandya
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In the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Krishna is often described as our eternal best friend, a concept which is deeply emphasized. To understand this profound relationship, we must delve into the philosophical and devotional insights provided by Srila Prabhupada, who elucidates Krishna's role as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and our eternal companion.


Firstly, in the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna reveals His divine nature and eternal bond with all living beings. He explains that He is the ultimate source of all creation and that every soul is a part of Him. Krishna's assertion that He is the Supreme Being implies that He is inherently connected to every individual soul. This connection is not temporary or conditional but an intrinsic part of our existence. Krishna's role as our eternal friend stems from this fundamental connection. He is always present within our hearts as the Paramatma, or Supersoul, guiding and protecting us through the various stages of our spiritual journey.


In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna’s guidance to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra is a prime example of being an eternal well wishing friend. Despite the dire circumstances, Krishna provides Arjuna with spiritual wisdom that transcends the immediate situation, underscoring His role as a friend who seeks our highest good. Krishna's friendship is unique because it is devoid of any selfish motives. Unlike worldly friendships that may be influenced by material desires or conditions, Krishna’s friendship is pure and unconditional. He is always concerned with our spiritual well-being, even if we are not aware of it. 


Moreover, in the Srimad Bhagavatam, there comes the description of Lord Krishna's pastimes and interactions with His devotees as further evidence of His eternal friendship. The Supreme Lord's dealings with His devotees, whether in Vrindavan or Dwaraka, illustrate His deep, personal investment in their lives. He engages in intimate relationships with His devotees, such as being a friend to Sudama, a humble Brahmin. Despite Sudama’s poverty, Krishna welcomes him with the utmost respect and showers him with divine blessings. This story highlights Krishna’s role as a friend who reciprocates love and devotion with boundless compassion.


Friendship with Lord Kishna is a source of immense joy and liberation. By aligning ourselves with Krishna’s divine will and embracing His teachings, we can transcend the material world’s limitations and attain eternal bliss. His role as our best friend is to lead us to this ultimate goal, helping us to navigate life’s challenges while remaining anchored in spiritual truth. His friendship offers us solace and strength, much like how a true friend supports us through both joy and adversity.


Lord Krishna is our eternal, ever well wishing best friend. Through His unwavering presence, unconditional love, and divine guidance, He brightens up our whole life. Krishna’s role transcends the temporal and material aspects of life, offering a relationship that is everlasting and deeply fulfilling. His friendship is characterized by selflessness, wisdom, and an intrinsic connection with each soul, affirming His position as the Supreme Friend who is eternally devoted to our spiritual growth and ultimate happiness.


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#Lord Krishna #ever well wisher #eternal friend #Bestest friend
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