
IU and Her Mother Share Heartfelt Moments in Special Interview

IU and her mother share a heartfelt interview where they discuss regrets, self-acceptance, and the beauty of being oneself, and defying societal standards.

By minal
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IU and Her Mother Share Heartfelt Moments in Special Interview

IU and Her Mother Share Heartfelt Moments in Special Interview

In a heartwarming and candid interview released on IU's YouTube channel, the renowned soloist sat down with none other than her mother to delve into a range of personal topics. The conversation, filled with vulnerability and honesty, provided fans with an intimate glimpse into the relationship between IU and her mother, who is also the subject of her recent song "Shh.." from the album "The Winning".


One particularly touching moment arose when IU's mother expressed regret over what she perceived as not passing down "good genes" to her daughter. She openly shared her sadness, particularly regarding her height, believing that IU might have been taller if she had inherited better genes. Standing at 162 cm (5'4"), IU's height aligns with the average for women in South Korea, yet her mother couldn't help but express remorse for not measuring up to her desired height.

However, IU swiftly dismissed her mother's concerns, adamantly stating that her genes were anything but inferior. Contrary to her mother's beliefs, IU expressed her love for her height and firmly stated that she wouldn't wish to be any taller. Emphasizing her confidence and self-assurance, IU asserted that her stature adds to her charm and cuteness, a sentiment her mother echoed as they shared a touching moment of mutual admiration.


This candid exchange between IU and her mother not only highlights their close bond but also serves as a reminder of the importance of self-love and acceptance.


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