
"Obama Offers Endorsement of Former VP Biden Amidst Debate Struggles"

"A fired-up Joe Biden emerged on Friday, determined to recover from a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, asserting his capability to win November's US presidential election

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"A fired-up Joe Biden emerged on Friday, determined to recover from a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, asserting his capability to win November's US presidential election. Biden's appearance at a campaign rally in North Carolina, a crucial battleground state, coincided with concerns within his anxious Democratic Party about potentially replacing the 81-year-old nominee — and shortly before the nation's most influential newspaper encouraged him to step aside.


"I don't move as effortlessly as I once did. I don't articulate as fluently as I once did. I don't debate as effectively as I once did," Biden acknowledged to his supporters in unusually candid remarks.

Biden's team entered damage-control mode after Thursday's debate, during which he frequently hesitated, stumbled over words, and lost his train of thought — amplifying concerns about his ability to serve another term.

He had aimed to alleviate doubts about his advanced age and to expose Trump as a habitual liar.


However, the president failed to effectively rebut his bombastic rival, who presented a largely unchallenged series of false or misleading statements on topics ranging from the economy to immigration.

On Friday, Biden delivered the remarks Democrats had hoped to hear during the televised debate.

"Did you catch Trump last night? I sincerely believe he set a new record for the most lies told in a single debate," Biden remarked.


"Donald Trump poses a real threat to this nation. He threatens our freedom. He threatens our democracy. He poses a genuine threat to everything America stands for."

Trump commented on the possibility of Biden being substituted with another candidate, stating, "I don't really believe that because he polls better than any other Democrats."

Thus far, no prominent Democratic leader has publicly urged Biden to step down, with most adhering to the party's stance of supporting the current ticket.


"I will always support President Biden," remarked California Governor Gavin Newsom, who has been mentioned as a potential replacement candidate, immediately after the debate.

Forcing a change in the ticket would be politically sensitive, and Biden would need to decide himself to withdraw to allow for another nominee before the party convention next month.

Biden decisively won the primary votes, and the party's 3,900 delegates heading to the convention in Chicago are committed to him.



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