
International Mother Language Day 2024 Celebrated Worldwide

International Mother Language Day honours linguistic diversity, emphasizing the importance of multilingualism and native language education.

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International Mother Language Day, observed annually on February 21st, is a day to honour linguistic diversity and promote the importance of multilingualism. This year, the theme is "Multilingual Education – a pillar of learning and intergenerational learning."


The history of this day traces back to February 21, 1952, when four students in Bangladesh were killed while advocating for Bengali to be made the official language. This movement led to the recognition of International Mother Language Day by UNESCO in November 1999.

The significance of this day lies in acknowledging the role of languages in preserving cultural heritage and facilitating communication. Despite the world being a diverse tapestry of languages and dialects, linguistic diversity is under threat, with many languages at risk of disappearing.


The United Nations emphasizes the benefits of multilingual education, highlighting that 40% of the global population lacks access to education in their native language. Using learners' native languages in education has been shown to improve learning outcomes, self-esteem, and critical thinking skills.

As we celebrate International Mother Language Day, it serves as a reminder to respect, acknowledge, and understand each other's languages to foster better communication and preserve our rich cultural heritage.







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#International Mother Language Day #International Mother Language Day 2024
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