
Know Why Litchis Are Healthy Should Be Your Summer Special food!

The best about the litchi fruit is its high-water content, which makes it a quintessential summer fruit. Wonder what other benefits of litchis are there for you to discover. Well, read on:

By Kanan Parmar

Credits: Google

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With the onset of summer, our cravings for fried and heavy foods reduce as our reliance on fresh seasonal fruits increases. A fresh bowl of fruits provides all the nutrition that our body requires and also helps keep us hydrated and energized.


Lychee or litchi is one such summer fruit that is widely available in almost all parts of India. Juicy and sweet, this pulpy fruit is hard to resist. Eat it fresh or in juices, ice creams, or mocktails-in either case, its sweet taste will leave you wanting more.

But the best about the litchi fruit is its high-water content, which makes it a quintessential summer fruit. Wonder what other benefits of litchis are there for you to discover. Well, read on:

1.  Litchi fruit is rich in vitamin C


One of the most abundant vitamins in lychees is vitamin C. According to experts, the lychee fruit provides 9% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI). According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin C intakes reduce the risk of stroke by 42%

2. It’s a good source of antioxidants

Litchis contain higher levels of polyphenols than several other fruits. The fruit is a storehouse of epicatechin that may improve heart health and reduce risk of cancer and diabetes. Lychees are also high in rutin. As per a study published in the journal Food Chemistry, rutin may help protect the human body against chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and other cardiovascular issues.


3. It helps reduce abdominal fat

While it is not found naturally in the fruit, a patented mixture of litchi skin and green tea developed by Amino Up Chemical Corporation in Japan called Oligonol has shown to reduce abdominal fat, fatigue, and inflammation after exercise.

4. It can fight liver cancer


According to the scientific journal Cancer Letters, litchi fruit pericarp (LFP) extract has anti-cancer properties and can help fight liver cancer.

5. Lychees have high vitamin E content 

Litchis contain a lot of vitamin E, which helps to heal sunburn that causes pain and irritation and also keep the skin healthy and glowing, say scientists.


6. Litchi fruit can reduce inflammation

The flavanols in lychees have anti-inflammatory properties. This help is fighting flu and infections during the summer months.


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