
Han So Hee's Explosive Post Attacking Hyeri Sparks Controversy

Han So Hee denies allegations of being a homewrecker in an explosive Instagram post, sparking controversy and drawing mixed reactions.

By minal
New Update
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Han So Hee's Explosive Post Attacking Hyeri Sparks Controversy

Han So Hee ignited a firestorm with a now-deleted Instagram post addressing swirling rumours of her involvement in Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri's breakup. The actress vehemently denied accusations of being a homewrecker, asserting her pursuit of personal happiness and denying any wrongdoing.


In her lengthy post, Han So Hee outlined her frustrations with the allegations, stressing that her relationship with Ryu Jun Yeol commenced after his split with Hyeri. She challenged Hyeri's assertions in a public apology, urging her to clarify the circumstances surrounding the breakup. Despite swiftly removing the post, its impact reverberated across social media platforms.

Here is the full post translated below.

“I can’t stand these fake allegations any longer. I chased my happiness, and now I am here. I dated around, and neither I nor the people I were serious, and I ended up wasting a lot of time. It was then, when I had turned 30 and was looking for direction, that I met this person.

The exact date that we met was November 2023. (We had never seen each other before. I am going to ignore the comments that say otherwise. We had never met publicly or privately and we don’t have any mutual acquaintances, and I purchased the bear through Kakao Talk in 2021.

Different from my past relationships, looks weren’t everything, and because he held me from going off the ledge due to me doing whatever I wanted, I felt that my body and heart became healthier, and just like any other couple, I felt he was someone that I needed. Most important, however, is the fact that I would have never inserted myself in someone else’s relationship.

It is true that they (Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri)  broke up last year. It is true that they ended their relationship by wishing each other well. (I am writing this not to reveal their relationship but to prove that he didn’t leave her for me).

But Sunbaenim (Hyeri), when you wrote in your apology that he said he wanted to meet in November, it wasn’t because he wanted to get back together. I can’t reveal the reason why because I’m not the one who said it. If this is a lie, you can release articles saying so, or you, who, despite all of my attempts, I couldn’t reach, can contact me directly, Sunbaenim.

I, too, am frustrated that a person directly involved in this is staying silent. This means that I might be writing this, having been fooled by his lies and that he did leave you for me. Because of this, please understand that what I am writing has nothing to do with my emotions and is only based on the facts and our respective agencies.

I am not a fool to write this based on a one-sided story, and I don’t want to bring further controversy to the fans who once supported me, my agency’s CEO, and its employees. I am writing this because there are people I need to protect.

What I am trying to say is that although the breakup article came out in November, you guys had already broken up. We can stop with the media play because the facts are facts.

But why are you casting doubt on articles that say you guys had already broken up and making it seem like articles saying that he did leave you for me are true? I can’t understand you. It’s also hilarious to me that half of the commenters criticizing me are from burner accounts.

If you are going to criticize me, do it with real facts. And although this is off-topic, hearing people talk badly about my family, my upbringing, and my appearance has given me a new perspective.

I have apologized. I don’t know if it reached you as I can’t get in touch with you, but I hope you rest assured knowing that I did. I also apologize to your fans if I acted out of place. Even if time has passed, I’ll always acknowledge mistakes.

What I don’t understand, however, is what was so funny about your former lover getting a new girlfriend. I want to ask why you would take the contents of a text message that wasn’t about getting back together and making it seem like it had significant meaning and, by doing so, making it seem you were wronged by his new relationship 4 months later and then staying silent about it? I am not asking for your pity, and this isn’t to get an apology despite receiving countless hate comments thanks to your words. I am simply asking out of curiosity.

Also, I want to ask why people are combative towards me, when I get criticized for wearing a friendship ring, for smiling at reporters who waited for me in the airport on a cold day, and for not smiling at reporters, as if I didn’t have a choice (but to receive hate). I just want to ask why you hate me. I’m sure if I upload this, my agency will be criticized for not being able to control me, I’ll be told that I am playing the victim, and people will write that they are tired of the drama. I know. It seems people want me to explain some parts and want me to stay silent on others. I am not sure what people want from me. I am writing this because I don’t think I should respond with silence.

It is true that I make a living off of the public’s love and trust. I would like to apologize once again for not handling this in a more mature way. But I really hate (that people think Ryu Jun Yeol left Hyeri for me). I am not conjuring up any of this. So please, let me know what I did wrong.

And to those who criticize me for writing this and claim I am not sorry enough, I also don’t want to be kind to you, so please don’t consume my work and hate me to the very end; please lose all interest in me and live the rest of your life for the sake of your own happiness. Lastly, I would like to apologize to everyone who has been affected by the controversy.”


Responding to the actress’s explosive post, Han So Hee's agency, 9Ato Entertainment, issued a brief statement. The agency address stating:


“We have nothing to say. I’m sorry.”


Meanwhile, netizens took to various platforms to express a range of emotions, with many criticising Han So Hee for her public outburst against Hyeri. 




  • Ah, this is such a turn-off.
  • Just Hyeri alone already.
  • Ah, stop, stop.
  • Her image was so good… I thought they both apologized to each other and that everything was over. Why did she do this? And for what? I think she’s going to lose all her endorsements.
  • I just hope Han and Ryu are happy together for a long time.
  • But didn’t she say that she also found it interesting? Well, now I want to ask her.
  • Foolish.
  • Ask your boyfriend.

However, others rallied to her defence, questioning the validity of the accusations levelled against her.




  • Is she getting hate because she didn’t stay quiet?
  • She has become a target of those who complain about everything.
  • This would never have happened if Hyeri hadn’t attacked Han So Hee on Instagram. I feel bad that Han So Hee is being criticized.
  • She was dating Ryu Jun Yeol after he had broken off things with Hyeri. Then, as soon as their dating news went viral, she was framed as a homewrecker. Her image has been tarnished, she has lost her endorsements, and she is receiving hate from the whole nation…


Adding fuel to the fire, a report by Ilgan Sports surfaced, shedding light on Han So Hee's disappointment with Ryu Jun Yeol's perceived lack of support amidst the allegations. Allegedly, Han So Hee sought clarification from Ryu Jun Yeol's agency regarding the timeline of his breakup with Hyeri, only to be met with resistance.


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