
Chinese Retail Tycoon Introduces "Unhappy Leave" Policy to Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Chinese retail tycoon introduces an "unhappy leave" policy, granting employees 10 days off for unhappiness. Emphasizes work-life balance and well-being.

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Chinese Retail Tycoon Introduces Unhappy Leave Policy to Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Chinese Retail Tycoon Introduces "Unhappy Leave" Policy to Prioritize Work-Life Balance

In a bold move to prioritize employee well-being and work-life balance, Chinese retail tycoon Yu Donglai, founder and chairman of Pang Dong Lai, announced the introduction of "unhappy leave" days for employees. Under this new policy, employees are granted the freedom to request up to 10 additional days of leave if they are feeling unhappy, with no repercussions from management.


Yu Donglai emphasized the importance of recognizing that "everyone has times when they’re not happy," and encouraged employees to prioritize their mental health and well-being. He stressed that management cannot deny such leave requests, as denial would be considered a violation of the company's employment policy.

The company's revamped employment policy also includes other measures aimed at promoting a healthier work environment. Employees will now work only seven hours a day, enjoy weekends off, and are entitled to 30 to 40 days of annual leave, including five days off during the Lunar New Year festivities.

"We do not want to be big. We want our employees to have a healthy and relaxed life, so that the company will too," expressed Yu Donglai, underscoring the company's commitment to fostering a positive workplace culture.


Pang Dong Lai has also implemented a job-level certification system, wherein even janitors can earn up to 500,000 yuan (US$70,000) annually, provided their professional capabilities meet certain criteria.

The news of these progressive changes has garnered widespread support on Chinese social media platforms, with users praising Yu Donglai and Pang Dong Lai for their employee-centric approach. Many expressed their desire to work for a company that prioritizes happiness and respect in the workplace.

According to a 2021 survey on workplace anxiety in China, more than 65 percent of employees reported feeling tired and unhappy at work, highlighting the pressing need for initiatives that prioritize employee well-being.


Yu Donglai has also taken a stand against the prevalent culture of long working hours in China, condemning the practice of making staff work overtime as unethical and detrimental to employees' growth opportunities.

With these groundbreaking initiatives, Pang Dong Lai sets a positive example for companies nationwide, signaling a shift towards a more compassionate and employee-centric approach to business management.

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