
Chinese Gen Z Embraces Pyjamas as Office Attire, Challenging Traditional Norms

Gen Z shakes up office attire norms, embracing pyjamas for work. Comfort meets self-expression in this bold fashion trend.

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Chinese Gen Z Embraces Pyjamas as Office Attire, Challenging Traditional Norms

Chinese Gen Z Embraces Pyjamas as Office Attire, Challenging Traditional Norms

In a bold departure from conventional corporate dress codes, Gen Z employees are revolutionizing workplace fashion by embracing pyjamas as acceptable work attire. This emerging trend reflects a broader societal shift towards prioritizing comfort and self-expression in professional settings.


Highlighted by the New York Post, numerous young Chinese workers are opting for cosy pyjamas over traditional office wear, a trend gaining momentum on social media platforms. 

Dedicated threads showcase individuals sporting relaxed "work outfits" featuring sweatpants, sleepwear, and other comfortable garments.



The movement gained traction when Kendou S, an employee, uploaded a video on Douyin showcasing her unconventional attire, sparking discussions about workplace attire norms. While some employers have criticised such outfits as not aligning with the company's image, many employees argue for the importance of personal comfort and authenticity over conformity.

This trend is not just about fashion; it symbolises a broader societal trend towards a more relaxed and uncomplicated lifestyle. 


As Gen Z continues to reshape workplace dynamics, their adoption of pyjamas as office attire underscores their desire for a more inclusive and relaxed work environment, challenging traditional corporate norms.

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