
The Rising Trend of Indian Children Being Sent to Foster Care Abroad by Young Parents'

The number of Indian children being sent to foster care abroad by young parents is increasing. This trend raises concerns about the well-being of these children and the reasons behind such decisions.

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Foster Care Abroad

Image Credits: Foster Care Abroad

In recent years, there has been a rising trend of Indian children being sent to foster care abroad by their young parents. This phenomenon has raised several concerns and sparked a debate among experts and the general public. While some view it as a positive opportunity for the children to have a better upbringing, others condemn it as a form of abandonment and exploitation. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this trend, and its impact on children and society as a whole.


The trend of young Indian parents sending their children to foster care abroad has been on the rise in the past decade. According to a report by UNICEF, there has been a 68% increase in the number of children being sent out of the country for foster care in the last 10 years. This trend is particularly evident among young parents, mostly in their 20s and 30s, who belong to affluent families and have the resources to make such decisions.

Motivations behind sending children to foster care abroad

There are several reasons why Indian parents choose to send their children to foster care abroad. The primary reason is to provide their child with better educational opportunities. The belief that Western education can pave the way for a successful future is one of the main factors driving this trend. Moreover, with the increasing competition and stress in the Indian education system, many parents see this as a way to reduce the burden on their children and offer them a more relaxed learning environment.


Another factor that plays a crucial role in this decision is financial stability. By sending their child to foster care abroad, parents hope to secure a better future for their children and relieve themselves from the responsibility of providing for them. In some cases, parents may also see this as an opportunity to enhance their standard of living by focusing on their careers without the added responsibility of raising a child.

Impact on children

While the parents may have valid reasons for sending their child to foster care abroad, the impact on the child can be significant. Being separated from their parents and raised in a different cultural setting can have a profound effect on a child's emotional and psychological well-being. It may lead to feelings of abandonment, detachment, and identity crisis.


Moreover, the child may struggle to adapt to a new way of life, language, and cultural norms, which can result in a sense of isolation and loneliness. Distance from their biological family and a lack of emotional support can also hinder the child's coping mechanisms and overall development. In some cases, it may have adverse effects on their academic performance and social skills.

Societal implications

The rising trend of sending children to foster care abroad not only affects the child and the family but also has societal implications. It raises questions about the quality of the Indian education system, the pressure on children to excel academically, and the lack of support for working parents. It also highlights the need for policies that address the issues of child abandonment and neglect.

Moreover, this trend perpetuates the societal mindset that English education is superior and that success can only be achieved by sending children abroad. It also creates a divide between the haves and the have-nots, as only families with privileged backgrounds can afford to send their children to foster care abroad.

In conclusion, the rising trend of Indian children being sent to foster care abroad by young parents is a complex issue with far-reaching effects. While it may seem like a solution for parents to provide a better future for their children, it can have severe implications on the child's well-being and society at large. Policymakers and society must address the underlying reasons behind this trend and work towards creating a supportive environment for children to live and thrive in their own country.

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