The Harry Potter movie series based on the books by J.K. Rowling is one of the most accurately adapted movies of all time with perfect casting and good sets and costumes.
The 2005 movie based on the novel of the same name by Jane Austen is loved by all the fans of the book, and there is also the hand flex scene.
This movie is a fan favourite and Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka is an accurate representation of the one from the book
Lord of the Rings trilogy written by R.R Tolkien, is one of the greatest fantasy novels and the movies directed by Peter Jackson does justice to the books with great action sequences.
This tear jerker love story based on the book by Jojo Moyes witnesses great performances by Emily Clarke and Sam Claffin.
The dystopian novel by Suzanne Collins portrays the horrors of a capitalist world. The movie trilogy starring Jennifer Lawrence captures the horrors with great detail.
The movie is based on the novel by John Green and follows the love story of two teenagers with fatal diseases. This movie will surely make you cry.
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