Actor Sonakshi Sinha's luxurious apartment in Mumbai's Bandra has been put up for sale, sparking curiosity among her fans. The timing of the sale has raised eyebrows, especially since Sonakshi recently married actor Zaheer Iqbal in the same apartment. The news broke when a real estate Instagram account posted a video of the apartment along with its asking price.
The post described the property as a luxurious, sea-facing apartment in the prestigious 81 Aureate Building, Bandra Reclamation. Originally a 4 BHK, the expansive 4,200 sq. ft. apartment was converted into a spacious 2 BHK with decks. Fully furnished and equipped with multiple modern amenities, the apartment is now listed at ₹25 crore. Sonakshi even ‘liked’ the post.
The move has generated speculation and curiosity among her followers, with many taking to the comments to share their thoughts. “That’s Sonakshi Sinha’s home...moving out too soon,” one comment noted, while another asked, “Why is Sonakshi Sinha selling her house? She had just bought it a while back.”
Other comments included, “Isn’t this Sonakshi Sinha’s house? Saw it on YouTube,” and, “Sonakshi Sinha has been desperate to sell this apartment for a couple of years now,” with another exclaiming, “Sonakshi Sinha is selling her house?” Actor Saqib Saleem also commented, saying, “I know this building.” In September 2023, it was reported that Sonakshi had purchased the apartment on the 26th floor of 81 Aureate in Bandra Reclamation, Bandra West.
The agreement, signed by her mother Poonam Sinha, revealed that the apartment has a carpet area of 4,210.87 sq. ft. and was purchased for ₹11 crore. The sea-facing home offers stunning views of Mahim Bay and the Bandra-Worli Sea Link.