Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married earlier this year, choosing an intimate wedding followed by a reception, without any additional pre-wedding events. While Indian weddings are typically multi-day celebrations, Sonakshi recently explained why she opted for a simpler affair. After witnessing her brother Kussh's grand wedding, she told her mother Poonam that she didn’t want a similar experience for her own marriage.
In an interview with Galatta India, when asked if there was pressure to have a traditional, lavish Indian wedding, Sonakshi admitted, “There was pressure, but we were very clear about the kind of wedding we wanted. In fact, after my brother's wedding, which had about 5,000 to 8,000 guests at every function, I told my mother, ‘My wedding won’t be like this.’” Kussh had married Taruna Agarwal in 2015.
Sonakshi emphasized, “We were very specific about how we wanted to do it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so it’s crucial to make it special in our own way, and thankfully, our friends and family supported us.” She mentioned that some of her friends were disappointed by the lack of functions. “Huma, for example, said ‘we wanted more functions,’ and my best friend and stylist Mohit was upset that I only had one outfit change, as he wanted to style me in five different looks,” she added. Sonakshi and Zaheer had a registered marriage at home, followed by a reception attended by several celebrities. Zaheer remarked, “There was no pressure, but I think people expected us to have more functions.” The couple tied the knot after seven years of being together. Kussh attended the reception, but their brother Luv was absent from the celebrations.