
Shah Rukh Khan's Revelations at World Government Summit 2024: From Dropping Slumdog Millionaire to Hollywood Projects

Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan wows at World Government Summit 2024, discussing Hollywood dreams, Slumdog Millionaire choice, and James Bond aspirations. Read on to know more.

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Shah Rukh Khans Revelations at World Government Summit 2024 From Dropping Slumdog Millionaire to Hollywood Projects.png

Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan recently made headlines at the World Government Summit 2024 in Dubai with his candid revelations and insights into his career choices and aspirations in Hollywood. Speaking at the summit, Shah Rukh opened up about his decision to drop out of the Oscar-winning movie Slumdog Millionaire and his desire to work in Hollywood.


Addressing the audience, Shah Rukh revealed that he was initially slated to play the antagonistic game show host in Slumdog Millionaire but opted out due to concerns about how the character would impact his image as a symbol of hope. He also expressed his interest in playing a Bond villain, joking that he is "brown enough" for the role but perhaps too short to portray James Bond himself.


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Responding to queries about his rumoured international projects, Shah Rukh clarified that while he has had conversations with individuals in the Western film industry, he has yet to receive any substantial offers for crossover work. He emphasized the importance of delivering to his existing audience base rather than spreading himself too thin.

Shah Rukh also reflected on the portrayal of India in films such as Slumdog Millionaire, noting that while some criticize these portrayals, they also serve to showcase the visual appeal of India to a global audience. He defended the filmmakers, stating that such films open doors for people to understand different aspects of the country.


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During the summit, Shah Rukh shared light-hearted moments with the audience, joking about not being a "legend" and playfully suggesting that he could be James Bond. His session, titled "The Making Of A Star: A Conversation With Shah Rukh Khan," was a blend of humour and insightful commentary on his career choices and aspirations in the film industry.

Shah Rukh Khan's presence at the World Government Summit 2024 highlighted not only his status as a global icon but also his thoughtful approach to his craft and his willingness to explore new avenues in the world of entertainment.






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