Recently, Bollywood and Hollywood actress Priyanka Chopra alongside husband Nick Jonas, brothers-in-law Joe Jonas and Franklin Jonas and mother-in-law Dennis Miller-Jonas attended a wedding. Nick Jonas even took to his Instagram to share the pictures from the wedding, where Priyanka Chopra is seen looking gorgeous in a black dress.
For the occasion, Chopra wore a spaghetti-strap David Koma dress with cut-outs on the bust, triangle cups, and a bodycon silhouette hugging Priyanka's frame. The dress also had a back slit, and various glossy pink 3-D petals decorated on the skirt making her look enchanted. Priyanka accessorized her outfit with diamond earrings, a Serpentine bracelet, sparkling rings, and heels from Bulgari.
Nick Jonas complemented his wife by wearing a pink suit and matching tapered-fit pants. He paired the suit white button-down shirt, black loafers, a luxurious silver watch, and sunglasses.
The David Koma dress is from the designer’s Spring 2024 collection and is called the Paillette Petal Dress. A similar dress, but without the bust cut-out is available on the Alothman website and is available at a discounted price of KWD 975, which is approximately Rs. 2,67,606.