Kangana Ranaut is currently busy promoting her upcoming film, Emergency. In a recent episode of The Bombay Journey with Mashable India, the actor discussed her career and films, expressing her view that Bollywood is a "hopeless place" dominated by those who have had it easy. During the conversation, Kangana remarked, "Only a few people have a problem with me. If you look at my journey, I won an election, and the kind of love I receive from the industry proves my point. So, is the problem with me or with them?"
When asked about her stance on boycotting Bollywood, Kangana said, "Bollywood, honestly, is a very hopeless place. Nothing is going to change for them. They are jealous of talent. If they see someone talented, they go after them to destroy their career. They do terrible PR to defame and boycott them from the industry."
Kangana made her acting debut with Gangster and later starred in several films like Woh Lamhe, Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai, and Double Dhamaal. Her breakthrough came with Queen, followed by more box office success with Tanu Weds Manu Returns. She won National Awards for both films. Earlier this year, she made her electoral debut, winning from the Mandi Lok Sabha seat in Himachal Pradesh.
In Emergency, Kangana portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The film, releasing in theatres on September 6, also features Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik.