In a surprising turn of events, Shah Rukh Khan's latest film Dunki has surpassed his blockbuster Jawan in terms of OTT viewership. Despite Jawan grossing over 1000 crore worldwide at the box office, Dunki has emerged as the winner on the OTT platform, edging out its predecessor by a margin of 2 lakh views.
Dunki, directed by Rajkumar Hirani, initially faced an underwhelming performance at the box office, with mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. However, the film's fortunes took a turn for the better when it landed on Netflix. Currently, in its third week of streaming, Dunki has consistently ranked in the top 3 non-English films on Netflix worldwide.
In its second week on Netflix (19-25 February), Dunki garnered an impressive 4.2 million views, with viewers streaming it for a total of 11.1 million hours. Combining this with the debut week data (15-18 February), the film amassed a total viewership of 9.1 million in just 11 days, with 24.1 million streaming hours.
Comparatively, Jawan enjoyed a viewership of 8.9 million in 11 days and was viewed for 25.5 million hours globally. The slight margin of 0.2 million views, equivalent to 2 lakh views, demonstrates the strong performance of Dunki on the OTT platform.
Despite falling short of the mammoth expectations set by its predecessor, Dunki has performed admirably in isolation. It ended its run at the Indian box office with a net collection of 232 crores, equivalent to 273.76 crores gross. Overseas, the film did blockbuster business, finishing just shy of the 200 crore mark with a total gross of 196.84 crores. Combining both markets, Dunki has grossed an impressive 470.60 crores worldwide.
With its success on Netflix, Dunki has proven to be a dark horse, surpassing expectations and solidifying its position as a crowd favourite. As audiences continue to stream the film, its viewership numbers are expected to climb even higher, further cementing its place in the annals of OTT success stories.