Yo Yo Honey Singh, the famous rapper, recently shared an amusing story about the making of the hit song Lungi Dance from the 2013 blockbuster Chennai Express. The song, a tribute to the legendary Rajinikanth, featured Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone and became a huge success. Honey Singh revealed that he was made to wait for up to 12 hours in makeup during the shoot.
In a conversation with Cine Connect, Honey Singh recounted his time on the set of Lungi Dance. He shared, “The funniest moment from the Lungi Dance set was when they called me and made me sit in makeup for 12 hours. It seemed like their plan was to make me wait, thinking, ‘This guy is so eager to be part of the shoot, let’s make him wait.’ I sat there for 12 hours, and everyone who came to the set greeted me warmly, including Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone, who was with Ranveer Singh.”
“I couldn’t figure out what was happening because everyone was so nice, but they weren’t taking my shot. You won’t believe it—they shot my scene at the very end, and right after that, they said, ‘Pack up.’ It was the craziest and funniest thing; they were testing my patience,” added the 41-year-old rapper.
Chennai Express, which starred Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles, tells the story of a man who travels from Mumbai to Rameshwaram and falls in love with the daughter of a local don, played by Deepika. Shah Rukh also underwent shoulder surgery during the film due to an injury sustained while filming a fight scene with Deepika.
Released in 2013, Chennai Express marked Deepika’s first collaboration with director Rohit Shetty and became one of the biggest hits of the year. 2013 was a significant year for Deepika, as she also starred in Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela with Ranveer Singh, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, and Race 2.