Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has committed to donating Rs 1.21 crore for the renovation of the renowned Haji Ali Dargah in Mumbai, India. On August 8, he visited the sacred site and pledged a substantial amount for the renovation of a specific section. The trust expressed their appreciation, hailing Kumar as a “true Mumbaikar” for his generous contribution.
In their post, the trust highlighted Kumar's swift and heartfelt response to the renovation efforts. The donation of Rs 1,21,00,000 was acknowledged by Mr. Suhail Khandwani, Managing Trustee of the Haji Ali Dargah Trust and Mahim Dargah Trust, who welcomed Kumar and his team warmly.
The post also mentioned that prayers were offered for Kumar's late parents, Aruna Bhatia and Hari Om Bhatia. “Duas were made for the departed souls of his parents and for our country's prosperity, peace, harmony, and brotherhood,” the trust noted.
Photos and videos of Kumar at the Dargah were shared, showing him touring the holy site and posing with attendees. Dressed casually in a blue shirt and jeans, he was seen interacting with people at the Dargah. Known for his philanthropy, Kumar also organized a free food distribution event outside his Juhu home earlier in the week. On the professional front, he is preparing for the release of his upcoming film Khel Khel Mein, set to hit theaters on August 15.